Monday 20 July 2015

Our Fandom

"Used to sing about being free but now he's changed his mind."

I am a fangirl. I've happened to find myself in this crazy fandom, full of drama and tears. Where all the magic happens and where the darkest secrets are held and exposed. We are brothers and sisters, we cry and laugh and fight, but we always stay together. Cause, in the end, we are all breathing for this one band. They were nothing and they've become everything. These five boys who lost the X Factor but won the world. One Direction.

I wasn't here from the very first day and believe me, I regret it every minute. It's like watching your baby grow older. Hairstyles, clothes, thinner bodies, flawless faces, more tattoos... Everything is changing. It's becoming better, I guess? Yeah, in some ways. But on the other hand, we keep watching their smiles becoming faker and faker, eyes losing their sparkles, hugs are not so tight as they used to be and in the end, everything about them fades. They lost themselves in an attempt to save us.

You can laugh at me and say I'm just a little girl, but I am not. I went through a lot and they saved me, too. They aren't Saints. But they were, are and always will be our heroes, our angels. They gave us hope. A simple tweet, loving words, meaningful songs. It kept us going for a day longer. Their love and passion were enough, while we couldn't find happiness in ourselves.

Now I've been here for three amazing years already. I don't know their shoe sizes, penis lengths or every phone they've ever owned. But I know what they like, who they love and I remember the words they say. I know their smiles and eyes and hugs. I know their voices and how they dance. I know their jokes and I know what hurts them. I remember little things and gestures and responses. I remember things that make them special. That's what really matters.

This year I had a chance to see their concert. It was one of the most incredible moments in my life. The memory I will never forget. This feeling when you finally see your idols, when you realize they are actually real. When you are standing in the crowd and waiting and screaming and crying and you find yourself hugging a random person. The atmosphere is magical and the bonds that are made are special. We were helping each other, passing plastic cups of water around and talking about boys we adore. I still don't know how, but I managed to end up in the first row. I saw them and they were standing and sitting and singing and laughing and hugging and drinking just two meters away from me. Majestic. I had this plastic ball with a sign: "We love you guys." Also, my twitter name and my country were written on it and I drew a big heart. While they were singing Stockholm Syndrome all fans from my country (the concert was in the closest country to mine) started to throw the balls on the stage or just up in the air. My ball landed on the stage, directly in front of Louis' legs. I totally freaked out, it was unbelievable. And then he kicked it and Liam picked it up and hold the ball in his hands. It was like a dream, heaven, my life was complete.

I wish I could hug them. Tell the boys I love them and that they have saved me, too. Tell them I am sorry I couldn't do the same. I am sorry I couldn't save them. I wanna ask them about their day, about their family, how they are. I wanna ask about their favorite name or quote or whatever really. Just talk to them. Sing a song, make them laugh. I wish I could do that.

So maybe you don't understand, maybe you will still hate them, say rude things and laugh at us, Directioners. It hurts, it tears us apart, but in the end, we will love those boys even more. You may be in a fandom, but there is no such fandom as ours. You'll never know how it is to have sisters and brothers and friends for life. You'll never understand our jokes and why do we keep watching old video diaries. You'll never try everything to break the records and to make boys happy. You will never have idols so special that you could fly through the water. Angels who never leave.

It's only our fandom and our band. This is us. Cause when we are together, One Direction and Directioners, we can outlive the Universe.

                                                                                                                                       ~ Lyria

P.S. Are you in 1D fandom, too? What do you love the most about boys? Are you in any other fandom?

Feel free to comment!
Again, sorry for my mistakes, I am not British (:

Monday 22 June 2015

A way to...

Have you ever felt too awkward and out of place? Lonely and speechless around your friends? Too different to find your soul sister?
Then I want you to be my friend. I need someone to talk, without judging me. Someone who would listen closely to the words I say.
There is a lot of little things about me that no one knows. They simply do not care and do not notice. But I want them to know. Like how much writing means to me. And the way I always eat up the chocolate half of chocolate - vanilla croissant first, because I love Vanilla. That I am pluviophile.
Strangers think I am quiet, shy, nice. Maybe once I was. But I've changed. Now I dare to do things I have never imagined. I can go to a random person and start chatting with him/her. I am not quiet either. Around my friends, I talk and talk and never stop. I get annoyed if my friends talk so much that I can't. I am a great listener, but I also want to be the one that they listen to. And nice? Of course, I can be super nice, but I love being sarcastic, too. Surely I'm just kidding, but people who don't know me enough can take it seriously.
So where is all of this going? I guess I just need to write down my feelings, my thoughts.
I'm different and kinda crazy. Sometimes it's good, isn't it? I am afraid in my case it's not.
I do have friends, my group of people that I like. But I don't feel totally comfortable around them. I can't trust easily and I often find myself thinking what can I actually tell them, when will they betray me, what if they are just faking, what can I even talk about with them? I know those are mine anxiety issues, but what can I do? I cannot get rid of my fears. It's also my family. I grew up with very Catholic parents. They would take me to the church every Sunday, I wasn't allowed to curse, I had to pray in the evenings. I still pray cause it has become a habit of mine, but I don't go to the church so often anymore and I curse. I feel bad, I know it hurts my parents, but I just can't be like them. I am not so religious and it doesn't mean so much to me as it means to them. We often fight about it and I feel really sad about it.
I'm trying to be perfect, I pretend that I am.
But I don't even know who I am anymore.
Reality is... I'm a mess. I have my own issues and I am far away from perfect. I'm just a random kid, looking for my own spot in the world. Right now I am trying to find myself again.
                                                                                                                       ~ Lyria

P.S. English isn't my native language so be gentle, please. I make mistakes but I am doing my best.